Gather with Richard Bartlett and his mentor, David, over the course of four Saturdays in March to explore, to expand, to learn, and to connect through spirited dialogs and group meditations. The two will address themed topics each session that will aim to illuminate aspects tied to the intricacies of navigating modern life and spirituality. Richard and David will strive, in the context of these dialogs, to provide functional suggestions for assisting in the ongoing growth and development of seminar participants.
🪷 Do you ever feel out of sync with the life unfolding around you?
🪷 There is a flow to existence that carries the universe along in harmony and perfection.
🪷 By being consciously in touch with the depths of this flow - in all its various incarnations - we can bring the multiple fruits that flow offers directly into our lives.
🪷 Attend four themed, extemporaneous discussions between Richard Bartlett and David.
🪷 Learn useful strategies for deepening one’s ability to both consciously connect with the flow of life, and to purposefully grow and develop in various facets of your storyline.
🪷 Participate in an optional weekly group meditation to close out each session.
Tapping more deeply into the flow will be the overarching theme of The Symposium. This will be achieved through investigating one broad category per weekend. Simultaneously, the hosts will also delve into practical topics via the lens of being in the flow - subjects such as conscious living, demystifying spirituality, amplifying love, and fostering inner development.
The discussions will all be aimed at ultimately providing participants with sensible suggestions for living more fully as consciously-awakening adults in the world.
SCHEDULE: Saturdays in March (We will be changing to Pacific Daylight Time for March 15th)
March 8: 10 - 11 or 12 PM PST
March 15: 10 - 11 or 12 PM PDT
March 22: 10 - 11 or 12 PM PDT
March 29: 10 - 11 or 12 PM PDT
TUITION: $400 USD for everyone
**Completion of registration signifies agreement with our Terms of Service:
The information presented in this event is educational & provided as general information.You will be introduced to consciousness technologies based on quantum & torsion physics.The Institute for Harmonic Resonance Technology (IHRT) doesn’t know how you will respond & isn’t responsible for helping you with a problem.This event isn’t considered a treatment.You agree to assume & accept full responsibility associated with attending this event & using these technologies.This event is not used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder & is not a substitute for medical/psychological treatment.Information in this event isn’t a recommendation to stop seeing your healthcare professionals or to stop using prescribed medications without the consultation of your healthcare provider.This event isn’t a guarantee regarding the outcome of an individual using these technologies.All materials/references are given in good faith.IHRT accepts no responsibility or liability for use or misuse of this information.You agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless & defend IHRT & its owners, representatives, employees, Richard Bartlett and David for all claims which you or your representatives may have for any loss, damage or injury of any kind arising out of connection with this event &/or using the technologies presented. You understand that your email address will be automatically added to our mailing list and that you may opt out of receiving our emails by clicking on the Safe Unsubscribe link at the bottom of our newsletters or by contacting and requesting removal. You understand that this event may be recorded & used for publication by IHRT in print materials, website publishing, and social media. If you are adamant about not being recorded you may choose to keep your webcam and microphone turned off. Please be advised that, you will not be chosen to participate in demonstrations unless your webcam and microphone are on and functioning correctly. Recording or photographing of this event is prohibited.***Replay links will be provided, are for your limited use only and will be available for up to one year from end of course. Information and replay links from this course are not to be shared, altered or disseminated.Partial refund may be available if we receive your cancellation prior to 24 hours before start of this event. NO refunds or transfers are permitted once the event has started.No money back guarantee.No exceptions to this policy.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, D.C.,N.D. is the award-winning author of best-selling books including “Matrix Energetics and the Science and Art of Transformation”
He utilizes the principals and sciences of Subtle Energy & Physics, coupled with the incredible power of active imagination with focused intent to produce physically verifiable effects that often defy rational explanation.
David first began mentoring Dr. Richard Bartlett in the summer of 2017.Following decades of unsought inner transformation, David entered into the truth-realized condition in 2005. Having spent his early life following a tradition that didn't have an established canon regarding the truth of enlightenment, David strove to contextualize the very real physiological and perceptual metamorphosis that had spent twenty years overtaking him. The notion of a terminal realization played little role in the process - until the final stretch.
In the many years that have followed, he finished a Ph.D. in Communication, and has worked with those interested in various facets of spirituality, growth and development. He has also pursued an undying interest in the subject of enlightenment, with his primary interest being the process of transformation - particularly, the energetic dynamics involved.
“There are no words to describe the deepest nature of this work with David…a true teacher; he is arrestingly clear and intuitive and brilliant.”
~ Chella Ferrow